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  • Remote Working

IT Services And Support For Remote Working

Enabling You And Your Staff To Work Anywhere

Having the ability and option to have your staff work from home or any other location that's away from their usual workplace has become essential. The Covid-19 pandemic made many businesses realise that they were ill-prepared for a scenario where the whole population was told to stay at home. Some businesses coped better than others, having already embraced a range of hybrid server or cloud-based technologies and services. This enabled their employees to continue to work, from anywhere with an internet connection.

Using a hybrid server / cloud computing solution helps increase your business resilience and can help improve employee satisfaction.

Increase Business Resilience

Having the ability to work from anywhere, with access to your files and applications can help with business resilience. We can help support you through :

  • Cloud Based Services

  • Appropriate Hardware

  • Secure Data Backup

  • Reliable Communications

  • Remote IT Support

Speak to us today to see how we can help you take full advantage of cloud computing.

Remote Working - Home Office

Improve Employee Satisfaction

Remote Working

Working from home does not suit everyone but a survey conducted by Huawei in 2020 revealed that 75% of the 2000 office-based respondents said they were happier working from home. Some of the reasons employees were happier were:

  • No travelling time

  • Greater flexibility in their workday

  • Fewer colleague distractions

  • Better work life balance

What was most revealing is that 88% of respondents did not want to work from home all week, but want the flexibility of working part of the week at home and part in the office.

It's what is made possible by using hybrid server / cloud-computing technologies and services. Get in touch and let us help you raise the satisfaction levels of you and your workforce.

Keeping Your Remote Staff Secure

You work hard trying to keep the "bad guys" out of your network by investing in Routers, Firewalls, Anti-Virus and many other technologies.

What measures do you take to make sure your remote workers are as protected when whey work away from the office?

Pro-Networks can help bolster these defences by introducing solutions such as :

  • DNS Filtering

  • Advanced Microsoft 365 Security Solutions

Remote Working - Staff Security

Keeping Your Data Secure

Remote Working - Data Security

Out of sight, out of mind?  This may be a good de-stressing solution but it isn't a sensible approach when it comes to safeguarding your company data.

What safeguards do you have to ensure your remote workforce does not mean you lose control of your data? An example of this could be a departing sales executive downloading your customer database to take to their new company.

With advanced Microsoft 365 solutions, we can :

  • Manage Access To Company Data On Both Corporate & Personal Devices

  • Block USB Access

  • Limit Access To Your Data From Certain Locations

  • Prevent Sensitive Data Being Copied, Emailed Or Printed

  • Remotely Lock Or Wipe Lost Or Compromised Devices

  • Monitor Third Party Application Security & Patching

Service KPIs For September 2024

Calls Answered Within

KPI - Time To Answer

8 Seconds

Average Initial Response

KPI - Response

37 Minutes

Average Resolution Time

KPI - Resolution

228 Minutes

Same Day Resolution

KPI - Same Day Resolution


Customer Retention

KPI - Customer Retention


How Do We Compare

KPI - Question Mark

To Your IT Company?



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