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  • Cyber Security Services by Pro-Networks

Cyber Security Services

In the realm of cybercrime, it's essential to understand that the majority of victims aren't specifically targeted. Cybercriminals don't meticulously select their victims; rather, individuals and businesses often make themselves vulnerable through lax cybersecurity practices. Much like a thief targeting an unlocked car, cyberattacks frequently begin as opportunistic "smash and grab" incidents rather than meticulously planned heists.

These attacks typically exploit vulnerabilities stemming from inadequate cyber hygiene, such as poorly configured routers, outdated operating systems, or, more commonly, human error. One mistake gives the cybercriminals with entry point they need to infiltrate your network and compromise your data. Once they've gained access, attackers utilise readily available tools from the internet to exploit vulnerabilities and bypass security measures.

To fortify your defences against such threats, it's crucial to address the three pillars of cybersecurity: technology, compliance, and training. We offer comprehensive assistance in all these areas, ensuring that your cybersecurity posture is robust and resilient.

Pro-Networks are here to help.

Cyber Security Technology

We help you understand the different threats and deploy the most appropriate technologies for your business, risks and budget. The technologies include...

  • Physical Firewalls

  • Threat Monitoring

  • Gateway Security Protection

  • Penetration Testing

  • Internal Vulnerability Scans

  • Two-Factor & Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Anti-virus and Malware Protection

The correct hardware and software will provide an excellent foundation for cyber security standards - compliance and staff training will complete your protection.

Cyber Security Technology

Cyber Security Compliance

Cyber Security Compliance

Compliance to standards is a major contribution to achieving and maintaining a strong level to cyber security. Standards foster a culture of security and promote best working practices to reduce risk.

  • Cyber Esssentials / Cyber Essentials+

  • GDPR

  • Penetration Testing / Vulnerability Testing

  • PCI-DSS / ISO 27001

  • Outsourced DPO duties

For policies to be embraced by staff, they require introduction in a controlled and educated fashion. We can guide you through accreditation and train your staff in the procedures.

Cyber Security Training

The importance of staff training cannot be overstated. Careless or uninformed staff inadvertently facilitate nearly 60% of cyber attacks. Can your staff recognise and avoid threats?

  • Staff Role In Cyber Attacks

  • Recognising & Avoiding Threats

  • IT Security Policies / Password Policies / Fair Usage Policies

  • Standards Compliance

  • GDPR Responsibilities

Over one-third of cyber attacks have a phishing or social engineering element. We can empower your staff with the knowledge to keep your systems and data secure.

Cyber Security Training

A Multi Layered Approach

Anti-virus and anti-malware are vital, but they cannot provide 360° protection from all types of cyber threat. They must be viewed as one element in a robust, multi-layered approach to cyber security that encompasses technology, compliance to standards, and staff training.

Your Cyber Security Toolkit

Your countermeasures must be applicable, effective and appropriate to your business, your budget and your level of risk. The continuity of your business might well depend on these countermeasures, so they must be selected in an informed and educated fashion.

We have skilled and experienced cyber security experts who will talk to you in plain English about the different active threats and what we can do for you so that you remain safe, operational and as impregnable as possible.

Achieving Optimum Cyber Security

We can assess your defences and advise on products, services and solutions to address any shortfalls. We can identify standards and regulations you should (or must) adopt, such as GDPR and Cyber Essentials, and we will work with you to obtain accreditation to those standards. Vitally, we will train your staff on adhering to those standards, to recognise cyber threats and to work in a cyber security conscious fashion.

Cyber Security Involves Hardware, Software, Compliance and Awareness


We ensure you have firewall hardware of sufficient quality, that it is properly configured and the firmware is patched up to date.

Gateway Security Protection

Greatly increases the effectiveness of the border control function of your firewalls.

Penetration Testing, Internal Vulnerability Scans

We detect and remove vulnerabilities in your perimeter defences and identify and rectify internal vulnerabilities.

Threat Monitors

We can provide both off-line and real-time monitoring to ensure suspicious behaviour and illicit access attempts are thwarted.

Two-Factor and Multi-Factor Authentication

Access to sensitive systems might require more protection than a standard ID and Password can provide.

Anti Virus & Anti Malware

Providing you with the best solutions to stop viruses and malware reaching your network.

CyberEssentials & CyberEssentials+

Helping you to adopt these standards so cyber attacks cannot succeed.


Become compliant to the regulations, and gain the benefits of a 'data protection by design' culture. Allow us to facilitate your data protection impact assessments.


Equipping you to meet the standard, which is essential if you take credit card payments, either on or off line.

ISO 27001

Helping you achieve the globally recognised gold standard in IT risk management systems.

Outsourced DPO duties

We can take on the this core role, so that you leverage our expertise and avoid internal conflicts of interest.

Staff Awareness Training

Equipping your staff with knowledge so they can adopt good practice and spot threats.

Business Cyber Security Resources



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