Disaster Recovery and IT Service Continuity
Services That Enable Your Business To Keep Operating
Disaster Recovery Services
Disaster recovery is the ability to get your business up and running after something terrible has happened. This could be a switch or server failure, rendering the network unusable until the part was replaced.
The Backup PLUS Solution
Fast Recovery From Site Failure
Near Instant Fail Over
Backups are not disaster recovery. A full system recovery using a conventional backup solution would take a lot longer than with a disaster recovery solution.
With disaster recovery, servers are replicated onto duplicate (or similar) hardware and are kept “ready to go” for when required. Disaster recovery solutions could include redundancy for switches, internet connectivity and other key network infrastructure components.
IT Continuity Services
IT service continuity supports your Business Continuity Plan, giving you the ability to keep your business up and running while something terrible is happening.
Part Of Business Continuity Plans
Essential If You Must Keep Running
Keeps Business Impact To A Minimum
IT service continuity can be achieved in several ways, including doubling up of everything onsite with automatic failover in the event of a catastrophic failure. At the extreme end this could be an entire office set up at a separate location with all data constantly replicated to it and kept primed, ready to go at a moment’s notice.