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Pro-Networks Device Guard

Your vulnerability assessment, redemption and compliance management solution

Discover the power of proactive protection with Pro-Networks Device Guard. Elevate your cyber defence strategy by identifying, prioritising, and mitigating vulnerabilities before they become breaches. With threat actors growing increasingly sophisticated, taking a proactive approach to addressing security weaknesses in your IT estate has never been more important.

With over 20000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) being discovered so far this year (as at 24/06) knowing how secure your IT Estate is has never been more important.

Each and every one of these security weaknesses is like an unlocked door to your digital environment, inviting attackers to gain unauthorised access, steal sensitive information, deploy ransomware, disrupt services, and more.

With over 114 new vulnerabilities being discovered every day so far in 2024, how do you manage this?

If every vulnerability had to be treated with the same urgency, vulnerability remediation would consume every waking moment of every day.

The Number Of CVEs By Year

The challenge, and key to successful remediation is threefold:-

  1. Identifying the vulnerability: You can’t fix what you don’t know.
  2. Understanding whether it demands immediate attention: Not all vulnerabilities are created equal.
  3. Determining the most effective vulnerability remediation strategy: Should you apply patches, update software, change configurations, or implement other controls?

How Can Pro-Networks Help You

Pro-Networks Device Guard is a complete vulnerability scanning & compliance management solution that gives you actionable remedies to harden your cyber position. We can help with…

Prioritise Vulnerabilities Based On Risk

Some vulnerabilities pose a higher risk than others, and understanding this distinction is key to effective remediation. The Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) helps you achieve this by assigning each vulnerability a score between 0 and 100. This score reflects the likelihood of the vulnerability being exploited in the next 30 days, allowing you to focus your resources on the most critical issues first.

Why is this important? Research indicates that only a small percentage of vulnerabilities (2%-7%) are actually exploited, highlighting the importance of EPSS scores. Additionally, attacks are increasing. The 2024 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report reported a staggering 180% year-over-year increase in attacks where vulnerabilities were the main vector.

EPSS addresses the shortcomings of traditional vulnerability scoring systems like CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System). While CVSS offers valuable insights into the severity of vulnerabilities, it doesn't directly predict their exploitability. EPSS fills this gap by using real-world data and machine learning to provide a more actionable risk assessment.

Automatic Scanning and Patching

Manual processes are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Automation can greatly streamline vulnerability remediation. Pro-Networks Device Guard continuously scans your systems for vulnerabilities. Looking beyond Windows patching, third-party patching is included - ensuring vulnerabilities are promptly addressed. By applying critical patches to all endpoints simultaneously, the window of exposure to potential exploits is minimised.

Regular Update and Patch Management

Timely patching is one of the most effective ways to mitigate vulnerabilities. Pro-Networks IT Support packages include Windows Patch Management , but there is a need for third-party applications to be checked, and patched, as these can leave your device just as vulnerable. For example, the WannaCry ransomware attack exploited a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows that had been patched months earlier and the crippling effect this had on the NHS could have been avoided with this “basic IT security” an independent investigation concluded.

Assess and Review

Periodic vulnerability assessments are crucial to identify potential weaknesses before they can be exploited. Quarterly assessments and reviews help you stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure all remediation is up to date.

Actionable Reports

Pro-Networks Device Guard takes the guesswork out of understanding the threats to your environment and allows you to react accordingly.

Pro-Networks Device Guard - Actionable Reports

With simple-to-understand Security Report and Compliance Report Cards you can see where threats may come from within your IT estate...

Pro-Networks Device Guard - Security Report
Pro-Networks Device Guard - Compliance Report

Starting from only £2.50 per device per month - network vulnerability assessment, redemption and compliance management has never been more affordable. Speak to us today to get Pro-Networks Device Guard

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